Did you know that one of the greatest ways to grow and develop as a believer is to follow the example of Jesus? What would Jesus do?
Think about it. When He was under stress in the Garden of Gethsemane, what did Jesus do?
Mark 14:34 says, “And he said to them, “My soul is very sorrowful (deeply distressed), even to death. Remain here and watch.”
Three times Jesus came back to his friends for moral support. In other words, when you are under a load of stress, share it with your friends. Do not carry the burden alone.
Stress is going to take a toll on you. It took a toll on Jesus as He admits it was almost killing Him.
And as Luke 6:40 says, “A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher.”
Clearly there is a gap between our lives and the life of Jesus. Typically, we attempt to close the gap by increasing our knowledge of the Bible. Or we resort to more time in prayer. Or we attend church more. But have not then unintentionally reinforced the GAP???
When I was growing up there were people who would rededicate their lives to Christ on a regular basis. It never seemed to help.
It’s not about decision making, but about practicing the habits of Jesus.
Here’s some homework that will help: Read through the Gospels, and write down 25 responses of Jesus in various situations. Then start practicing some of them until you work your way through the list.
We have already mentioned one. What did Jesus do when under a heavy load? He went to His friends. If Jesus could not rely on His own inner resources, you likely can’t either.
Here’s another assignment: Find Ten Things Jesus did in His relationships that visualized love…then PRACTICE THOSE.
When Jesus met a woman at the well He turned the conversation to spiritual things. Follow His example. For instance, a common conversation is about what you did with your weekend. How about saying something like, “I had a pretty normal weekend, went hunting on Saturday, and went to church on Sunday…do you attend church anywhere?” See how easy that can be?
Now it’s your turn. What would Jesus do? Live your life purposefully following Jesus’ example.
I am Mike Henderson, speaker, author, husband of my best friend, proud father of 5, and grandfather of 6. I like to hike with my wife, golf with my kids, travel, read books, and start new projects. My purpose for this blog is to help you and to give you hope.
How to Keep Going When the Bottom Falls Out
Christmas Stress
When You Feel Rejected
When Dreams Die
VIDEO: God Can Turn Your Life Around
VIDEO: The Story Behind “It Is Well With My Soul”
VIDEO: When Your Life is a Mess
Pride Goes Before Destruction