Mike Henderson
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Psalm 23:2 — The Shepherd Makes Me Lie Down & Rest

Psalm 23:2 says, “He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside still waters…” We all long for that kind of quiet rest. So why is rest so elusive? But let’s start with the shepherd. OUR INCREDIBLE SHEPHERD Psalm 23:1 reassures us that the LORD is our shepherd. And remember, if the […]

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Psalm 23:2 — Why Does Rest Seem Out of Reach?

green pastures, still waters

Psalms 23:2 says, “He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me by quiet waters.” It paints a picture of welcome rest. But we all have times or periods of life that are not a time of rest. Times when we feel like we are running from place to place. Some of us […]

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Psalm 23:1 — The Lord is My Personal Shepherd

Psalm 23:1 gives us the comforting promise, “The Lord is My Shepherd. I shall not want.” What does this mean? But before we dive in, let’s consider some foundational observations about this psalm. As we begin our look at Psalm 23, we have to overcome a few negatives. Granted, these are negatives on our part, […]

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Psalm 23: Is There a Cure for the Common Life?

Living the Abundant Life Is there a cure for the common life? It’s a good question, one that is often asked in one way or another. Believe it or not, the answer can be found in Psalm 23. So let’s dive in, starting with a look at our own lives. Most of us probably think […]

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How to Keep Going When the Bottom Falls Out

Life is full of challenges but one of the most difficult times we face is when the bottom falls out and you wonder how you’re going to keep going. It’s easy for people to think, “I just can’t go on.” But you can. After all, everyone has trials. Even the big names of the faith […]

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How to Survive One Wave After Another

As we enter a new year almost everyone has high hopes for a better year over the last two. After struggling through 2020 with Covid-19 and all the lockdowns, we are ready to get back to some sort of normalcy in 2021. Then came higher gas prices, supply chain issues, the Delta variant, and rising […]

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Christmas Stress

Christmas Stress

Christmas stress should not be a thing.  Christmas is supposed to be one of the greatest and most enjoyable times of the year. After all, if nothing else, everyone gets a holiday from work. Well, almost everyone. In spite of that, stress at Christmas is real. The Biggest Stress And the biggest reason for Christmas […]

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How to Feel Secure — Is it Possible?

Security has become a common word especially in the digital age. Everyone wants to know how to feel secure. In fact, on the back of every credit or debit card is a security code. Yet someone else is able to pick our pocket so to speak, and fraudulently use our secure card. So much for […]

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When You Feel Rejected

My dad grew up never belonging or feeling loved. It may be hard for some to imagine, but his mother never accepted him. In fact as I grew up, I watched my dad continually reach out for his mother’s love and acceptance. It never came. I still remember when he bought her a new refrigerator. […]

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Biographies that Inspire

Through Gates of Splendor

Perhaps you have a little down time over the next few days now that Christmas is over. This is a good opportunity to read some inspirational stories or biographies. I can recommend several that you may find hard to put down once you begin. The following people have incredible stories that have impacted me, so […]

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