Mike Henderson
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Category Archives for Spiritual Growth

Pride Goes Before Destruction

One of the better known verses in the Bible is Proverbs 16:18: “Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Occasionally we get to see it played out right on our own TV screens. The opening night of the NFL season was at New England–last year’s winner of the Super Bowl. Fans […]

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H.O.P.E. Can be a Reality

Let’s wrap up our short discussion on H.O.P.E. To recap, stories are one of the most valuable ways to regain hope. That’s why we listen to them, read them, and why God put them in the Bible. It’s History now, but stories still inspire. In my last post I introduced you to Hannah and her […]

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When You Need Hope You Need…

In my last post I talked about needing hope. Fortunately hope is available. In the Bible. So let’s get started, using the acrostic H.O.P.E. History. Romans 15:4 For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. Which means […]

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You Need Hope When…

It’s been well said that hope never goes out of style. Who doesn’t need hope? I’ll bet you wonder about that at times. Because all of us sure need it. You even wonder what it would be like to not need hope. While all may need hope, some are in desperate need of it. What’s […]

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7 Steps for Spiritual Growth

spiritual growth

Let’s face it. We all get busy. Too busy. It’s been a while since I wrote my last post. Life has been a little hectic as Carol and I are building our fourth house. And I have finally moved my study into the basement even though it is unfinished. The house is nowhere near complete. […]

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Worshipping at Work

Recently a compelling story and its photo went viral.  Apparently, an autistic boy just started middle school as a sixth grader. In case you have forgotten middle school, students can be downright cruel. So this boy found himself eating alone during lunch. While the rest of the students were all wrapped up in themselves, eating with […]

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Praying Away Pain

There are two things about human nature that are universal. We want any pain to cease immediately. And if we do something right, we want to be rewarded immediately After all, that’s how we train our animals. Do this and there is immediate gratification. In our dogs’ case, that equals food, pleasure. When it comes […]

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The Power of Others

Let’s be honest. We all need someone in our lives who believes in us. Actually it could make all the difference. John Lynch is a former NFL football player. But let’s start at the beginning of his story.  Lynch went to Stanford University to play football as a quarterback. However, he never made it onto […]

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Who Needs Sleep?

Sleep is a funny thing. We all need it. Yet many love to talk about how little they need. It’s as if you win some sort of medal for needing so little. Sort of like being busy. No one wants to admit a lack of busyness. Somehow needing as little as five hours of sleep […]

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Are You Selling Yourself Short?

Anyone who has ever played basketball has dreamed of dunking the ball. But for people like me, who tend to suffer from height challenges along with reduced jumping abilities, it’s out of reach. The basket, that is. But I can jump high enough to touch the bottom of the net. Granted, that’s over a foot away from […]

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