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Category Archives for Vision

Even the Best Can’t Win Without Help!

The NBA Playoffs are in full swing. Some are trying to predict who will be upset and who will make it to the finals. I write this after the first days of the playoffs. Many have predicted that the Cleveland Cavaliers will be in the finals. Time will tell. But you have to win to […]

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You Need Hope When…

It’s been well said that hope never goes out of style. Who doesn’t need hope? I’ll bet you wonder about that at times. Because all of us sure need it. You even wonder what it would be like to not need hope. While all may need hope, some are in desperate need of it. What’s […]

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Are You Selling Yourself Short?

Anyone who has ever played basketball has dreamed of dunking the ball. But for people like me, who tend to suffer from height challenges along with reduced jumping abilities, it’s out of reach. The basket, that is. But I can jump high enough to touch the bottom of the net. Granted, that’s over a foot away from […]

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Even the Best Need Help

As a guy I typically don’t like to read instructions. Which means I sometimes get it wrong and sometimes it takes longer to accomplish the project. Bottom line: I needed the help the instructions provided. But the greatest help we need comes from people. (Yes, I do believe our greatest help comes from God, but […]

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Six Types of Wisdom to Pray For (3)

So far we have only introduced a couple types of wisdom. Clearly you can be wise and unwise at the same time. Which leads us to the final aspects of wisdom. In my last post I talked about planning well and persuasively presenting your plan. But that alone will not guarantee the outcome you want. […]

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Six Types of Wisdom to Pray For (2)

In my last post I introduced the subject of wisdom. Wisdom is one of those traits that can be used for good or evil. Our goal is to use wisdom to benefit ourselves, others, and even the organization or business we are associated with. We are gleaning our thoughts from 2 Samuel 17 and 18. […]

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6 Types of Wisdom to Pray For

James 1:5 (NLT) exhorts us, “If any of you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” Most of us probably approach the subject of wisdom from only one angle. We simply want to know what to do next. Let’s call this particular […]

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Ruthlessly Eliminate Hurry From Your Life

For the sake of clarity I want to distinguish between being busy and being in a hurry. Jesus seemed to always be busy, yet never in a hurry. What about Moses? If he had been running red lights he would have surely missed the burning bush. Just those two examples alone seem to indicate that […]

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Your Divine D.E.S.I.G.N.

One of life’s recurring questions is “What should I be doing with my life?”. Perhaps a better question is “How has God designed me?”. What if we looked at our makeup from six vantage points? That is, what if we could discern in a practical way how God made us? Let’s take a closer look […]

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The KEY to Ultimate Influence in 2015 and Beyond

It’s been over fifty years now since my grandmother told me Bible stories from the book of Daniel. After my grandfather passed away, she lived with us for a while in the lower level of our split-level house just outside of Tyson’s Corner, VA. You have probably heard of “Daniel and the Lion’s Den.” Or […]

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