Mike Henderson
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Category Archives for Prayer & Fasting

Perseverance for One More Season

King Tut

You and I know people whose faith has failed. Perseverance can be hard. Joseph in the book of Genesis sat in a prison cell for well over a decade, but he eventually became a ruler in Egypt. In the 1600s, John Bunyan sat in a prison cell for twelve years because of his preaching, but […]

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7 Steps for Spiritual Growth

spiritual growth

Let’s face it. We all get busy. Too busy. It’s been a while since I wrote my last post. Life has been a little hectic as Carol and I are building our fourth house. And I have finally moved my study into the basement even though it is unfinished. The house is nowhere near complete. […]

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The Power of Others

Let’s be honest. We all need someone in our lives who believes in us. Actually it could make all the difference. John Lynch is a former NFL football player. But let’s start at the beginning of his story.  Lynch went to Stanford University to play football as a quarterback. However, he never made it onto […]

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Your Excuses May Be Holding You Back

Excuses. We use them all the time. Sometimes we quite frankly just don’t want to do something. Maybe some are legit, but could we be hurting ourselves, could we be holding ourselves back from reaching our full potential? We have to ask, don’t we? In the church world several scenarios tend to come up regularly. […]

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Habits of Strength, Habits of Betrayal

If it’s true that it takes 21 days to create a new habit, then we are getting close to a critical point…that is if a new habit was formed on January 1. Even if the new habit was formed earlier there will still be a critical point in the life of the habit. That was […]

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Beware of Rabbit-Foot Theology!

We have all done it. Somewhere in the back of our minds we start thinking that if we do such and such God is then obligated to answer our prayer or come through for us. In short, if we do our part, then God cannot let us down. Otherwise He will not look so good. […]

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How to Stand Out at Work

For me my dad was my role model when it comes to work. Granted, he could be called a workaholic with total justification. And he did go overboard. Perhaps it had something to do with his childhood. He never finished the 8th grade, and his family was very poor with little indoor plumbing, if you […]

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Prayer is H.U.G.E.

Let’s be honest right from the start.  Prayer meetings tend to have the lowest attendance of any kind of meeting.  There is something about prayer that is mystical. Plus in a crowd  many get uncomfortable to say the least. However, what about in the privacy of your home. Let me share four quick thoughts about […]

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29 Years of Marriage and Counting

After 29 years of marriage there are many things to be thankful for.  Carol became my best friend just over thirty years ago, so I married her.  That’s one of the best pieces of advice I can give to any couple.  Marry your best friend! As I look back there have been long walks, cross […]

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